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Pavilion Entries   - 

Entries for these sections are judged on the Friday of the Show. Entries can be dropped off at the showgrounds between 9am-12pm Friday of the show. Entries can also be dropped off with the secretary where it is not possible to enter Friday morning.


Please note however the PHOTOGRAPHY section entries close Friday WEEK BEFORE the show.

Photography entries can be left with the Clifton Courier Office, or posted to P.O.Box 35, Clifton. 4361. Or make arrangements with

the show secretary on 0409809498.The show is the window of the community.



To make this years the best pavilion to date

PLEASE USE AN ENTRY FORM FOR EACH SECTION OF THE PAVILION - entry forms can be found on admin and entry forms



​Pavilion sections, and classes;  pavilion entry form


Please Note the Photography Section Closes Friday week before of the Show Friday Feb 9th - All other sections to be entered by 12pm Friday 16th

This Program is a PDF file - If you have any issues in opening please download a free copy of Adobe Reader from

Please note Entries CANNOT Be Removed until 2pm SUNDAY

If you are unable to collect at this time arrangements to hold can be made with Secretary.

No exceptions will be made before 2pm.




PLEASE NOTE that QLD AG. SHOWS are required for 2024 to comply with the COVID-19 directions issued by Queensland Health

Natural Fibres Competition

Natural Fibres Creations Classes

What Super Hero, Villian or Fantasy Being do you think you are! Now is the time to find out. This is NOT a Wearable Art class, but a SEWING class.

Your entries must be sewn, they must be original and not copies of existing copywritten costumes.

The entrant is an individual – no group entries, no families of super heroes/villians etc, no pets dressed up and no children under 16 years of age. This is an Open Adult class.

CLASS 1 – OPEN FANTASY COSTUME CLASS – Open to entrants of any age, but the costume must be suitable for a person 16 years and over. No costumes worn by children or animals will be accepted.

 This is not a Wearable Art Class. All entries must be an original design and completely sewn by the entrant.  All sewing regulations apply to this class including the 60% natural fibres content.  Entrant may use purchased patterns for the base garment e.g. leotards etc, but not purchased base garments. The base pattern will then be adjusted and altered to accommodate your design. We do not expect you to know how to draft patterns.  YOU ARE REQUIRED TO DESIGN AND MAKE YOUR OWN SUPER HERO OR VILLIAN OR FANTASY PERSON/CREATURE COSTUME. They must not be copies of existing copywritten costumes. Costumes cannot be purchased and further embellished.  We are looking for not only your sewing competency, but also your ability to be creative and come up with new ideas as well as your ability to structure a garment.  The entrant is required to also make any applicable masks, wings, etc. Any weapons involved in the completion of the outfit must also be made, but not from materials than can be deemed to be of a threatening nature. Try making weapons from fabric, cardboard, papier mache, plastic. These can be painted to achieve the desired look Just no metal please.  All outfits including accessories, must be forwarded to the co-ordinator as per the sewing class closing dates together with the completed entry forms and please explain your design as comprehensively as possible so I can write the announcer’s script.  Please ensure you package the costumes properly to ensure they are not damaged or call to organise a day to hand deliver. All outfits will be hung as soon as they arrive.  Please use your imagination! That is what this class is all about – a challenge.  Have a look on line, there are some great ideas there for non- copywritten. Pre-made patterns are also available for a great range of costumes.

In all classes (except Wearable Art) Synthetic Fabrics can only be used as LININGS AND PETTICOATS. No synthetic or man-made fabrics can be used in the upper garment All other fabrics must be 60% or more natural fibres.

Please remember this is a sewing competition! An Entrant is an individual Person and not a group.

RESTRICTED CLASSES: Restricted classes are open to those entrants who fall within the relevant school year requirements only. All outfits in these classes must be sewn and MODELLED by the entrant and the age of the entrant is to be noted on the entry form. Adults are not permitted to enter these classes or sew the garments.

CLASS2: “SELF MADE” – JUNIOR SCHOOL - Grades 5 to 9 inclusive.

 Outfit can be for any occasion except swimwear or sleepwear.  Garment is to be cut and sewn by entrant. Entrant may receive advice only on how to complete.  Purchase price of fabrics may not exceed $120.00  A sample swatch of each fabric used must be attached to the entry form. 

CLASS 3: “SELF MADE” – SENIOR SCHOOL - Grades 10 to 12 inclusive.

 Outfit can be for any occasion except swimwear or sleepwear.  Garment is to be cut and sewn by the entrant.  Purchase price of fabrics may not exceed $150.00.  A sample swatch of each fabric used must be attached to the entry form.

If an entrant in Class 1 or 2 is unable or unwilling to model, they may find an alternative model, but the entry will be transferred into Class 3 – Open Kids in Natural Fibres provided the outfit is for a person under 15 years or into another relevant Open class if the outfit is for a person over 15 years.


1. You are required to read the General Terms & Conditions of Entry listed in this booklet. 2. ALL OUTFITS MUST BE SUPPLIED EITHER IN A ZIPPERED PLASTIC OR FABRIC BAG OR A PLASTIC DRY CLEANING BAG. All bags must be long enough to enclose the entire garment length. This is for the protection of your outfit. 3. The entrant in these classes, must make AND model their entry. Adults cannot make the outfits or assist. 4. Entrants in these classes may only enter one outfit in the Restricted Classes.

OPEN CLASSES: Open classes can be entered by a person of any age, but the outfit must be made for a person aged 16 years and over or as specified by the class. Please note that the Open Adult classes are designed for wearing by an adult. Children can only model in Class 3 – Open Kids in Natural Fibres, all other models must be 16 years and over as they are all Adult specific classes.

CLASS 4: OPEN – KIDS IN NATURAL FIBRES. (Entrant can be any age, but outfit must be for a boy or girl aged 7 to 15 years inclusive).

 Suitable for any occasion including formal wear. (no swimwear or sleepwear is permitted).  Slacks and Shirt, Skirt and Blouse or Dress, formal wear, Shorts and shirt, Sports uniforms or play wear.  A sample swatch of each fabric used must be attached to the entry form.

Class 5: OPEN - “ADULT DAYWEAR” (not casual wear)

 Suitable for Race Meeting, Business Meeting, Garden Party, Wedding guest, parent of the bride or groom or any other non-casual daytime occasion. (This does not include shorts, T shirts or jeans).  A sample swatch of each fabric used must be attached to the entry form.


 Suitable for After Five wear, Cocktail Party, Wedding Dress, Bridal Party Outfits (not children), Ball, Black Tie event, Opening Night, School Formal Wear or any other formal evening occasion.  A sample swatch of each fabric used must be attached to the entry form.

CLASS 7: OPEN – ADULT - CALICO CAPERS - Gardam Fabrics will donate 5 metres of 120cm wide medium weight calico to the first 20 only completed entry forms received. Please complete your entry form and email it to First 20 entries will receive the free fabric.

 All entries in this class must be made from no greater than 120cm wide, medium weight 100% calico. No other fabrics can be used in the upper garment. Synthetic fabrics can be used for petticoats and linings if necessary, but natural always works better. Any trims on the upper garment must be 100% cotton and beading should not be plastic.  The calico can be dyed, painted, embroidered etc or treated to create the effect required.  Outfits can be for any occasion including day, evening and bridal wear.  A sample swatch of all fabric used must be attached to the entry form.


 Suitable for any casual day wear. Eg. Barbecue, pool party, a day at the beach, sports uniforms or supporters outfit, gym wear, Resort wear, Swimwear including over garment. (No sleepwear).  Eg. Jeans and top, track suits, swimwear (made from natural fabrics) and over garment eg sarong , slacks and top, t shirt and shorts, sports uniforms, romper suits – anything relaxing.  If swimwear is entered, the outfit must be suitable for person 18 years and over and must be modelled by person 18 years and over.  A sample swatch of all fabrics used must be attached to the entry form.


1. You are required to read the General Terms & Conditions of Entry listed in this booklet. 2. ALL OUTFITS MUST BE SUPPLIED EITHER IN A ZIPPERED PLASTIC OR FABRIC BAG OR A PLASTIC DRY CLEANING BAG. All bags must be long enough to enclose the entire garment length. This is for the protection of your outfit. 3. Entries in Open Classes 4 to 8, must be suitable for adults. These classes are not for children’s/teenage wear.

Wearable Art Class


An Entrant is an individual and no group entries will be accepted.

Class 9 – “Wearable Art - be as creative as you can be

 Design ideas are only limited by your imagination, but you must explain your idea on the entry form. This is so the announcers can accurately describe your creation.  This is not a competition for political statements, so please have fun with it. Any political comments made will not be announced during the parade.  One outfit only per design idea – not same design, various lengths and shapes.  Purchased base garments can be used and embellished to create the required effect so sewing skills are not required or judged.  Any materials/objects and construction method etc can be used to create the required design.  Minimum entry age – 15 years. Models must be 15 years or over.  A coloured photograph, front and back, must be attached to the entry form.  The completed entry form and photographs can be emailed to the Co-ordinator at  DO NOT SEND THE OUTFIT TO ME. THE ENTRANT/MODEL WILL TAKE IT TO THE FINAL.  The entrant does not have to model their own outfit, but they do have to obtain their own model.  We are unable to alter the advertised parade times to suit entrant’s travel or other arrangements. Wearable Art is the last class judged and modelled – It is the Wow Factor after all.  All entrants must read the Terms and Conditions of Entry listed in this booklet.  All entrants must compete at their local show or school organised competition prior to the final.  If an entrant is unable to find a local show or school is unable to judge, please contact the State Co-ordinator to discuss alternatives. 

Thanks to the generous sponsors of each section and to the dedicated stewards of each section.

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